Simultaneously, because the cigars are continuously mellowed and improved along the way of preservation, the price of Cuban cigars that have been sold for around 8 years will be a single body higher than the price of Cuban cigars produced in 1 year. This kind of fake cigars are sold because old cigars. 2 . The second reason is manual counterfeiting The organic tobacco used is not adequate, or the leaf itself is not really fermented long enough during the running Newport 100s Carton Cheap process, which is related to the particular leaf of the fake stogie itself. Although the same hand crafted cigars, also Cheap Newport 100s Free Shipping long eggplant core tobacco, but the top quality is a big difference, this kind of pipes are mainly those scarce, actually cut after it is difficult to evaluate the authenticity. 3. The 3rd category is mechanical scams This is also a large type of faking, that is, the use of machine-rolled matches to copy those brands of Marlboro Red Cigarettes hand made cigars, this is also more common, primarily in a few large brands _, belong to the scale of faking. The tobacco used was obviously a few grades lower than it truly was, and it was difficult for the machine to be folded as well as a good worker might.