As I write this Southern California has just ended its second week of triple digit temperatures. The intense heat changes the way we live and alters the rhythm of our days. We are up earlier to walk the dog while the park is still cool. We spend a lot of time indoors in the air conditioning. We've been eating better. We don't want to heat up the house with the stove ? so it's salads and chicken from the grill. And Daniel Murphy Youth Jersey , as I don't want to head out in my black car two or three times a day, I find myself thinking more about what I need to do and combining trips and make lists.
When I take a break and flop in front of the TV I watch the third Hurricane in as many weeks bear down on Florida. When I try to call the airline to book my Christmas vacations a cheerful voice tells me there is no-one to answer my call right now because of the extreme weather across most of this country.
It occurs to me that we're paying attention to the weather. Or Carlos Gonzalez Youth Jersey , more accurately, Mother Nature is commanding our attention whether we want to give it or not.
I'm reminded of a trip of the Western states I took years ago when I followed the river course of Lewis and Clark. They took on the amazingly brave project of finding a water route to the Pacific Ocean through uncharted Wade Davis Womens Jersey , then-foreign territory. They took their guidance from the Indians and sailed for years on swollen rivers around mountains and plains where no white man had ever been. They rose when the sun rose and took to their beds when dusk fell ? battling mosquitoes as big as small birds throughout the night. Illness and hunger were their frequent companions. Fear walked in step with them.
They paid attention to the weather.
In 1803 when they began their expedition it would have been unthinkable to have made any decision on their journey without considering what nature would bring that day. A wrong move could have exposed them to great danger or even death and could've meant the abandonment of their trip ? ten years in the planning.
Today, we're pretty much cocooned inside our aggressively air-conditioned or heated automobiles Jon Gray Womens Jersey , homes and offices. When we venture outside we wear space-industry fabrics which conserve our body heat or wick moisture away from our skin. We don't even need to go outside. From our computer we can make a living, socialize and keep in touch with our extended family all from one room.
It's easy to forget that we survive with the grace of Jake McGee Womens Jersey , and at the mercy of, a natural world which has its own laws.
So every so often when we are stopped in our tracks by nature and we become aware of the all-encompassing reality which contains our all-important man-made world our perspective shifts.
We become aware of the dualities of our lives. Controllable or uncontrollable. Important or unimportant. Man-made or natural. And as always reality guides us just as surely as it guided that brave party from the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean.
The below piece of writing is mostly just about dog training Chad Bettis Womens Jersey , but then might help everyone concerned with dog training. Take your time going through the article and you would likely take sides with me that it will eventually expand your know-how and thus appreciation of the topic.
A dog is also called canis lupus familiars. The relationship that many a man has developed with a dog has given birth to the phrase “a dog is man’s best friend”. How true! A dog that is well trained is adept at meeting the whims of hisher master.
Many people have dogs for a multitude of reasons. Some individuals may require dogs to guard their homes and properties and for this purpose will train a dog to be a guard dog. Dogs are also excellent guide dogs and are used to direct blind people depending on the extent to which they have been taught.
Dogs are animals with a very keen sense of smell and sound. Because of the dog’s finetuned senses as well as hearing and smelling ability, it has been incorporated into various sectors of human activity such as the police or Red Cross and can be trained to find victims of disasters. Dogs are generally excellent trail hunters.
As a generally rule Ian Desmond Womens Jersey , dogs respond to the actions or reactions of their masters, either negatively or positively depending on the master’s intentions. Always bear in mind that you should reward your dog when it behaves well and punish it when it misbehaves in order to train it to know what it is that you like and what you don’t like.
Can you see how much you can learn about information related to dog training when you take a little time to read a well-researched article like this? Don’t miss out on the rest of this great information as it will provide you more useful tips.
Don’t be too hasty in your punishment of a dog when you are training it with the recall command. Remember that dogs eventually learn which action they get punished for and are quick to associate it with pain. If you issue a recall command and punish the dog afterwards Todd Helton Womens Jersey , you diminish the chance of the dog responding to a recall command again.
It is recommended by most pet trainers that you use the least amount of force necessary to correct your dog. Most dog trainers advice that if your pet is not responding accordingly to your commands, you should Nolan Arenado Womens Jersey , pull sharply on its leash to communicate your disproval. You can also express your dissatisfaction with your dog’s behavior by keeping it in a separate room from social activity for five minutes or more.