Students face many problems from study side. At starting, it’s about their career , then college, exams, placement, interview etc. But the biggest two problems are: which career to select and how to give interviews. No one gives coaching for these things. These things are to be done by the students only. Many students have problems about their careers. They can’t choose their career easily. Sometimes, they select a wrong career and they have to pay for that wrong decision. A wrong decision can spoil life too. Though many students are willing to crack bank exams and make that field as their career. To select right career , go for a career aptitude test. Whether your age is 16 or 60, no age is late for this test. Only choosing the right career can help you in succeeding in life. After selecting career, the biggest next challenge is interview during placement. Students clear technical exam but face problem at the final step. Interview tricks: • Find everything about the company, to which you are going for an interview. You must know the company in which you are going to work. • It’s not enough to know about the company only. You must know about the job too. It is not appreciable if you are just going for employment but don’t know about type of work. • Be good at telling stories. Don’t be too short for an answer neither too boring. You should be good enough to explain everything like a good story teller. Prepare stories of your accomplishment. • Always have a copy of your resume. The interviewer will have a copy of your resume but it is always beneficial to have your own copy too. You can need that anytime. • You should always be nicely dressed for an interview. Have a tie, proper hair , no perfume, polished shoes, neat and ironed clothes etc. • Never be too early neither too late for any interview. Always be on time. • Always have a smile on your face. This will help in hiding your stress, tension and low confidence. Be confident and keep smiling. • Shaking hands with interviewer gives a professional look of yours. • Maintain your posture during the interview, and always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. • You should have a good sense of humour and positive attitude. • You should always listen to the interviewer. Never interrupt himher in between. This won’t leave a good impression of yours. They want an employee who listens and obeys them , not any interrupting, bad mannered employee.. Wholesale JerseysWholesale JerseysWholesale Custom JerseysWholesale Throwback JerseysSoccer Jerseys CheapNHL Jerseys OnlineBaseball Jerseys Free ShippingHockey Jerseys From ChinaFootball Jerseys From ChinaFootball Jerseys Online