if I told you that your surfing will take on a whole new meaning once you have have cultivated physical Babe Herman Jersey , mental and spiritual growth. If you re like me, your first question might be Ok, what s the catch? Do I have to quit smoking and eat beet greens every day? The answer is yes, those things are no brainer s. But the real secret lies in a growing phenomenon that is deeply rooted in history surf yoga.
Your ability to surf better is directly related to your core strength Andre Ethier Jersey , balance, your focus and determination and your mental and spiritual well being. Improving your ability in the water just doesn t happen with out a good surfing fitness program. Yoga is practiced by many of the world s best surfer s, most notably 9 time World Title holder Kelly Slater. Kelly is just one of thousands of surfer s who practice surf yoga as a ritual, and the benefits are obvious; improved performance in the water Adrian Gonzalez Jersey , improved mental health and improved physical well being.
Disciplining yourself and getting to know your body in this way may be something new to you, so take it easy at first and then push yourself once you have an idea of where your limits are. Learning what your body is actually capable of will not only surprise you, but will translate directly into more radical turns, faster recoveries from slip ups and falls Los Angeles Dodgers Hats , and overall harmony with the waves.
Yoga for Surfers borrows the best poses and exercises from other Yoga disciplines and combines them into a routine that targets specific muscle groups, builds the inner body strength surfers need, and provides the same mental focus lessons that have benefited all peoples for centuries. After becoming familiar with your body s needs, you will develop a shortened routine that you can practice on the beach before every session out. You will come to love this time just before paddling out; your opportunity to bring mind Los Angeles Dodgers T-Shirts , body and spirit together.
The opening prayer for the practice of yoga reads:
Because I want more peace of mind and stability in life, I faithfully practice Yoga as it has been passed down by the surf gurus.
I ve taken the liberty of adding surf into the mantra before gurus just for you. Recite it a couple times. Close your eyes and clear your head for a moment. Set aside your worries and inhibitions. Breathe deeply and slowly a few times. Picture yourself flashing the peace sign as you tuck into a perfect barrel. Feel the crystal clear blue water as it spills over your shoulder. Now, relax your body and focus on the words surf gurus and you ve got it. You re ready to start practicing surf yoga and soon you will be opened up to a whole new perspective on life, and most importantly Los Angeles Dodgers Hoodie , surfing.
All surfers are young at heart, but the harsh reality is that the body just doesn t keep up. If you want to continue to surf better, then you need to start looking after your body. Surf Yoga is a whole lot more fun that running on a treadmill, lifting weights Customized Dodgers Jersey , or just plain stretching. Yoga for surfers is really an extension of the sport you already love. Embrace it now, or you may as well start giving away waves to the kids next time you paddle out. Many men are considering the testosterone therapy to help feel younger and more vigorous in their lives. It is imperative to be aware of the risks when one is considering this therapy. The possibilities of testosterone therapy are enticing — increase your muscle mass, sharpen your memory and concentration, boost your libido Cheap Dodgers Jersey , and improve your energy level. As you get older, testosterone therapy may sound like the ultimate anti-aging formula. Yet the health benefits of testosterone therapy for age-related decline in testosterone aren't as clear as they may seem. Find out what's known — and not known — about testosterone therapy for normal aging.