prepare for this day I tried to see it from his perspective," Ivetic said. "He had had to listen to so many vicious allegations, misunderstandings day after day. Not many of us could have endured that."
Last Wednesday, prosecutors demanded life imprisonment for Mladic. Prosecutor Alan Tieger had concluded his statement against the three-judge panel by saying that it would be "an insult to all victims and relatives and an insult to justice to impose any sentence other than the most severe available under law."
After having been at large for almost sixteen years, Mladic was arrested in Serbia on May 26, 2011. His trial started on May 16, 2012 and suffered from delays due to the bad health of the accused. The trial entered its final phase last week. The parties will each have one-and-a-half hour on Thursday, Dec. 15, for their final comments. Enditem
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