Welcome back to our three-part article series on oral health and hygiene! This series is dedicated to helping everyone understand what it takes to really keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition Rays Kevin Kiermaier Jersey , which, as we have already discussed, requires so much more than just twice-daily brushing. In this article, the second installment of the series, dentists in Silver Spring shall move on from talking about proper brushing habits and techniques and examine the next fundamental component of any home oral healthcare regime: flossing!
Dentists in Silver Spring: Floss Those Pearly Whites!
99% of all the patients’ dentists in Silver Spring see have some strange hang-up about flossing. It’s such a short and simple exercise, yet the vast majority of Americans simply don’t do it! One can only conclude from this that parents aren’t teaching their children from an early age that flossing is just as important to keeping your teeth clean and your gums healthy as brushing. Let’s look at it rationally…
Bacteria are tiny Rays Joe Maddon Jersey , tiny creatures that are visible only through the lens of a microscope, say dentists in Silver Spring. What you may see as the tight and impenetrable spaces between your teeth, they see as great big open voids. Better still, these spaces are sheltered from the sweeping bristles of your toothbrush. This is why you absolutely need to floss your teeth at least once a day, stress dentists in Silver Spring. All of the gum disease cases dental professionals attend to involve patients that simply haven’t given lifelong oral health and hygiene maintenance the time and effort it deserves.
Here are some important and useful flossing tips from dentists in Silver Spring:
• Floss each and every tooth, working the dental tape gently down into the gums between the teeth. You will be utterly shocked at the gunk you excavate from between your teeth Rays Evan Longoria Jersey , even AFTER you’ve given them a good brush, say dentists in Silver Spring.
• Floss every day and preferably before you go to bed at night. Dentists in Silver Spring floss twice a day, so if you wanted to follow their example…
• It can be dreadfully boring staring at yourself in the mirror while you floss. Keep a canister next to your bed or within reach of your favorite TV-viewing chair. If your family doesn’t mind you sending bits of your dinner all over the living room, then you can get your oral grooming done while watching Oprah. If they do mind, then remind them firmly who pays the bills (and who cleans the house.) If your significant other REALLY minds it and he or she happens to be responsible for cleaning the house, then floss in the bathroom like everyone else Rays Drew Smyly Jersey , say dentists in Silver Spring. Your attention span really can’t be that short.
Keep this in mind: if you’re new to flossing, or haven’t been good about doing it regularly in the past, then you may notice that your gums bleed a little bit, say dentists in Silver Spring. Many patients cite this as the reason they don’t floss, which is really a bit of a cop-out. After a few days, your gums should toughen up; however Rays Derek Norris Jersey , if they continue to bleed, or do so copiously, then you may require professional treatment. Bleeding gums are never normal, stress dentists in Silver Spring. They’re indicative of a weakening of the soft tissue, which, in turn Rays Corey Dickerson Jersey , is attributed to bacterial infection and conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis (gum disease.)
Dentists in Silver Spring: Stay Tuned
We’ve covered brushing and now flossing. But there’s so much more you can do to keep your teeth in beautiful life-long shape. Stay tuned for the final installment of this article series to find out what dentists in Silver Spring recommend for an optimally clean mouth and a beautiful smile! BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) -- Despite speculation to the contrary, the U.S. government has decided not to brand China a currency manipulator. After seeking truth from facts, the United States has chosen a direction that will benefit the two economies and the world at large.
In a semiannual report to the U.S. Congress published late Friday, the Treasury Department declared that no major trading partner of the U.S., including China Rays Colby Rasmus Jersey , was manipulating its currency.
While it is a sharp reversal from the rhetoric of U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign trail, nearly three months into his presidency, this different tone chimes with a more realistic view of China's currency.
It shows his tough talk on China was only campaign rhetoric, said Wei Benhua, a senior researcher at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
Economists have argued that China currently does not merit the label of currency manipulator, and the Chinese currency Rays Chris Archer Jersey , RMB, has been at equilibrium level in recent years.
The Treasury uses three measures to decide if a country is being manipulated: whether the country runs a sizeable surplus in trade with America; whether its current-account surplus exceeds 3 percent of GDP; and whether it spends more than 2 percent a year to buy foreign assets to suppress the value of its currency.
China only meets the first criteria by running over 20 billion U.S. dollars of trade surplus with the United States, said Zhu Jianfang, chief economist with the Citic Securities.
China has spared no efforts to keep the RMB at a stable level over the past few years; exactly the opposite of currency manipulation, he added.
Over the last decade, China's effective exchange rate has appreciated more than any other major currency Rays Brad Boxberger Jersey , rising more than 40 percent, said David Dollar, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.